From the moment she was born, Kiersten Hickman-Perfetti seemed to be on a mission to make the most of her life. She approached everyone and everything with great energy, love, and appreciation. She loved to laugh, to sing, and to play. She was creative and intuitive. She learned to read when she was two, which set her on a life-long love affair with learning. She was also a sports fanatic, playing multiple sports a year, earning fourteen varsity letters during high school, and falling in love with The New York Yankees and the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team along the way.
In August of 2003, just after her eighteenth birthday, Kier left her home in Highland Park, NJ, to attend Goucher College. From her first day there, Kier was enamored with her college peers, the beautiful campus, her studies, and her professors. She went out for the college basketball team and made it. Kier's life was in full swing when in December she developed a sinus infection. The infection reoccurred over the duration of the school year and into the summer.
Kiersten’s family: Keith (brother), Mimi (mother), Kier and Larry (father)